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Doctor of Ministry Project Papers

Papers produced by the D.Min. program at Wesley Theological Seminary

Search TREN (Theological Research Exchange Network)

In addition to searching the library's online catalog and discovery service for electronic D.Min. project papers, you can search the TREN database directly by using the Theological Research Exchange Network link on the library's Online Resources in the Database section. The link will redirect you to the TREN homepage. Only electronic D.Min. project papers from 2011-2018 are available in TREN.



Under the "Search for Theses/Dissertations" section. Go to the "School:" box to use the dropdown menu and select Wesley Theological Seminary. You can further narrow your search by year, author, etc.


The system will redirect you to a list of the 404 titles contributed by previous Wesley Theological Seminary D.Min. students.


Since the library subscribes to the TREN database, the library neither lends nor borrows digital copies hosted by TREN via Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Libraries and other institutions which need access to an item available through TREN can either subscribe to TREN or pay a per-item fee. Please contact TREN for more information. 

Note: Do not go directly to You will not be authenticated, and you will be prompted to pay for access to the project papers. Wesley faculty, students, and staff SHOULD NOT PAY to access TREN papers, especially those contributed by students from Wesley. These papers are available through the library's subscription. If you have difficulty with obtaining papers from TREN, please contact the library for assistance: 


Use WorldCat Discovery at Wesley to search for project papers that are hosted in TREN.

  • Begin with a Basic Search.
  • Enter ("d.min.") AND ("wesley theological seminary").
  • Apply the year filter and enter the year range 2011-2018.


Currently, these items have a catalog record with a View eBook link for access only. In the near future, these records will have location and call number information added.


  • If you have not entered the library website through the My Wesley Portal, the link will redirect to the portal.
  • Enter your My Wesley username and password.
  • After authentication, you will be redirected to the TREN record for the paper.

To access a D.Min. project paper through TREN, follow the instructions provided in the illustrations.

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