This page contains links to full-text resources with special value to biblical studies. Resources marked with an asterisk are included in the Wesley Discovery Service and do not have to be searched individually.
A number of online commentaries are available as library ebooks. The following are particularly well-regarded.
New Interpreters Bible One-Volume Commentary
The Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary series; available titles include:
Other commentaries are available via our EBSCO Ebooks collection.
These databases include bibliographic citations and often full-text articles.
ATLASerials Plus (ATLAS Plus) *
BAS Library (Biblical Archaeology Society)
For more information about using eBooks, see the eBooks tab of this guide.
Bible Odyssey (Society of Biblical Literature)
Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity
Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR) Online
Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion
Oxford Encyclopedia of Biblical Interpretation
Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Archaeology
Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and the Arts
Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Ethics
Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Gender Studies
Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Law
For additional resources and tools for biblical interpretation, see the Biblical Interpretation LibGuide.