D.Min. project papers from 2019 to the present are available electronically through the library's digital repository, WesleyIR. Access is limited to currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff at the Wesley Theological Seminary. Currently, there are two ways to discover these papers.
- Use the library's online catalog and discovery service, WorldCat Discovery, to search for and access these project papers. (Item records for these papers are available in WorldCat Discovery at Wesley, but the access links are in the process of being configured.)
- Go to the Databases section on the library's Online Resources page and select the WesleyIR link.
The My Wesley username and password are required for access to the papers in this collection. See Off-Campus Access for more login instructions.
Note: The library plans to migrate earlier project papers (2011-2018) to WesleyIR in the future. However, all electronic D.Min. papers are discoverable and accessible through the library's online catalog and discovery service, WorldCat Discovery.