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WorldCat Discovery User Guide

This guide provides an overview to WorldCat Discovery at the Wesley Theological Seminary Library.

Access WorldCat Discovery

There are at least three ways to access Wesley's instance of WorldCat Discovery:

Since the library's website provides information about the library's services, hours of operation, and additional resources, this is the recommended point of entry to access WorldCat Discovery.   

1. Go to:

2. Click on the Search Discovery Service link.


For access through the My Wesley Portal, you must be a Wesley Theological Seminary student, faculty member, or employee. By using the My Wesley Portal, you will be authenticated to access the library's online resources. 

1. Click on the My Wesley link on any page on the Wesley Theological Seminary website.

2. Click on the My Wesley Portal link.


3. Enter your My Wesley username and password.

4. Click on the Library Online Resources link which will redirect you to the library website.

Go directly to the library's instance of WorldCat Discovery at:

4500 Massachusetts Avenue, NW | Washington DC 20016 | 202-885-8695 |