Click the Wesley logo to return to the Basic Search screen at anytime.

The Advanced Search, Course Reserves, Resources and Research navigation links redirect to the:
- Advanced Search screen for more search options and tools.
- Course Reserves screen for material on reserve in the library for specific courses.
- Resources and Research drop-down menu for additional links to other tools and information.

The Sign In link only allows access to your library borrower's account if you have registered for one.
- You do not need to sign in to search the library's online catalog in WorldCat Discovery.
- You will only be able to see the items that you have borrowed from the library and outstanding library fees.
- You need to use a library assigned userid and password. (Contact the library if do not know your userid).
- Your My Wesley username and password will not work to access your library borrower's account. However, you will need the My Wesley credentials for remote access to the library’s electronic resources.

Use the Search history and Saved Items links to review your searches and save the results during your search session.

The Advanced Search links will redirect to the Advanced Search screen where you can build more complex searches.